Every David Copperfield Stunt That Led to His Moon Vanish Illusion
David Copperfield plans to make the moon disappear very soon, but what other stunts has he accomplished across his historic career?

There’s only one magician in the world that has a real chance of successfully making the moon disappear, David Copperfield. Although he hasn’t hosted a television special in years, his prowess as the most prominent large-scale illusionist in the world hasn’t wavered. Before he makes a literal celestial body disappear, let’s take a look back at some of the most famous stunts and illusions.
Statue of Liberty Disappearance
This is probably Copperfield’s most famous illusion. Over a million viewers in 1983 tuned in to watch the magician make America’s most iconic statue disappear. This stunt took place after he had to level up his act after making a full airplane disappear.
This was the first stunt he tied into a message, speaking in long monologues about how America takes their freedom for granted. Copperfield has another strong message during his next disappearance as he attempts to show if we can make the moon disappear, there’s nothing we can’t do on this planet.
Escape from Alcatraz
Some magicians close their show with an escape from either a straight jacket or handcuffs. Copperfield leveled everything up by escaping from the infamous tightly-guarded Alcatraz prison. Step by step, David made his way out of a jail cell and off the island that just so happens to be surrounded by shark-infested waters.
Illusions during this special included a penetration through the bars of a jail-cell, the appearance of a cat, and Copperfield himself turning into a guard to depart from the island. This story-telling and multi-illusion approach was unique from his other specials that mainly focused on one big spectacle.