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11 min read Tricks

Derren Brown’s ACAAN: Analysis

A closer look at the psychology behind the British mind reader's "Any Card At Any Number" performance.

Illusionist Derren Brown on stage with arms wide
Derren Brown

Have you ever felt as if everything was finally in its place? The first time I saw Derren Brown perform, something clicked within me. The world unfurled before me: that is how I felt. I don’t think I’ll ever find better words to describe that sensation.

Derren Brown is a man who has become almost synonymous with various professions and skills: painter, photographer, writer, creator, and visionary. And—if you were wondering—he also happens to be one of the best magicians alive today.

Derren Brown truly is one of a kind, devoted to art in all its forms. His magic inspires generations of laypeople and magicians, myself included. From the very first moment I heard his voice in a theatre, I was spellbound. For the duration of his show, I and everyone around me was united in a shared sense of wonder at the man before us. His charisma filled the stage, encompassing everything and everyone around him.

But how does he do it?

Let's analyze the psychology behind Derren Brown’s Any Card At Any Number. Whether you perform this trick or not, there’s a lot to learn about magic by studying his version.