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Derren Brown's New Book For Magicians

The rumours are true! Find out when it is available, and where can you buy Derren's new book for mentalists.

Cover of Derren Brown's new book titled "Notes from a fellow traveller
Cover of Derren Brown's new book

It’s fair to say Derren Brown is not only one of our generation’s most respected psychological illusionists, but he has also transcended beyond what many prestigious magicians achieve to become a national icon.

Currently, at the top of his game, he is fresh from completing his critically acclaimed show, Showman, which ran for three years on tour and in London’s West End and was recently broadcasted on Channel 4; he is also working on a brand-new stage show, Unbelievable, which is set to blow people’s minds later this year. Clearly, this is an exhilarating time for all Derren Brown fans. But for us magicians, there’s one more super-exciting project to look forward to…

Derren has a new book on the way titled ‘Notes From A Fellow Traveller’, and it’s aimed at magicians and mentalists, a.k.a. us lot! Okay, I’ll level with you; there’s very little revealed about this book. You’re reading a whole article based on a mere tweet. Even so, what Derren does hint at is enough to keep us on our toes.