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Dynamo is Dead: Everything We Know About the New Special

Dynamo has announced his new live television event in which he will be "killed" and reborn after a daring buried alive.

Magician and stunt performer Dynamo underground after being buried alive
Dynamo: Buried Live

Some of the biggest names in magic recently announced their most ambitious projects to date, like David Blaine’s new television show Beyond Belief and David Copperfield’s plans to vanish the moon.

Dynamo just joined the party by wiping all his social media accounts clean and announcing that Dynamo is dead. Little context was provided initially, but now it’s clear that he plans to bury himself alive in a unique televised event that is bound to draw curious viewers across the UK.

The last time we saw Dynamo on a live televised special was in 2017 when he aired a live recording of his show at London’s O2 Arena. This comeback live special will culminate in Dynamo burying himself alive, but the special was created for a bigger purpose. Dynamo is using the stunt to partner with other celebrities to talk about overcoming life-changing health complications.

The slate of celebrities set to feature in the special includes Demi Lovato, Cara Delevingne, Coldplay, Steven Bartlett, and Tyson Fury. All of these popular figures have struggled with their physical and mental health under public scrutiny, and the special will feature them speaking about their individual experiences.