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Mario the Maker's Off-Broadway Show Just Opened: Full Story

Mario the Maker Magician just opened his first off-Broadway residency and people are already praising the show.

Mario the Maker Magician stood outside Soho Playhouse next to show poster
Mario the Maker Magician at Soho Playhouse

Just two months ago, we reported here on One Ahead about Mario the Maker Magician’s first-ever off-Broadway show premiering. Just recently, the show opened on the weekend of November 3rd and to no one’s surprise, it’s already heralded as a success. Here’s what we’ve heard so far about the opening of the show and how you can catch it live.

What are people saying about Mario’s new show?

Some of the biggest names in magic are attending Mario’s new show and are having as much fun there as every kid in the audience is. In just the opening weekend, audience members included Josh Jay, Laura London, and Ondrej Psenicka. Psenicka called Mario a superhero on his Instagram story, and Jay said the show showed him “when kids discover what magic looks like”. It only took until the fourth show for the audience to be completely sold out, and no one would be surprised if that trend lasted until the end of the run.

What do we know about Mario’s show itself?

Aside from robotic props that have made Mario well known, his shows always feel so inclusive of the entire audience. Kids are welcomed into each show by a variety of blowup structures of a “Robot Magic” soup can and a big red heart. Pictures and video show Mario throughout the show, venturing into the audience, making every seat feel like they’re in the front row. As for the content itself, it’s difficult to discern exactly what is going on in the few clips that have been shared because each snippet is overwhelmed by the laughter of children and their screams of amazement. A lot of magicians talk about wanting to inject a sense of “childhood wonder” into their shows, but this show is the only one that encapsulates it perfectly.