How Caroline Ravn Gets Magic Gigs via LinkedIn
Insights for pro magicians.

Who here misses the good old days when everyone cool had MySpace, and only a selected few were on Facebook? When there were only a handful of platforms to know about and actually spend time on? A time when you could keep up with all platforms, DMs, and Snaps?
I sure do, and as I'm typing this, I feel decades older than I am.
But still, I've learned to master social media and leverage it to get great corporate bookings. It took a lot of research and practice, but I'll share my secrets with you today. Let me take you back to a time when I had no clue what I was doing—to be honest, not that far back—and teach you exactly how I landed significant career opportunities via one specific platform most magicians are missing out on.
When I didn't know what I was doing, I would wake up, start my Moccamaster, and get ready for another day in the life of a professional magician. Well, I was a "professional magician" in that it was my only job, but that didn't keep me very busy. I would usually drink my coffee in bed and watch Netflix for a few hours in the morning before eventually checking emails and trying to figure out what else I could do to get some more work.
My website was up and running, and my phone number was printed on more business cards than I had ever thought I'd see in my lifetime.
I was ready to be booked!
Spoiler: The phone rarely rang. And if it did, I got a lot of calls about it being "good for me to perform there because someone from the audience would absolutely book me for something after seeing me at their event." We both knew the chances of that happening were minimal, but still, I'd accept the no-budget gig, and I'd even pay for my own travel, too.
If you're a full-timer or semi-professional, I'm sure you know exactly how the call went and how little I got out of going. If I were lucky, I'd get a free lunch.
It became clear to me that I needed a new approach. Something needed to change if I wasn't planning on returning to my old job, and I wasn't ready to give up. I tried several marketing strategies, and I even hired consultants to create Google Ads. Nothing I tried ever had the impact I was hoping for.
One day, scrolling through all the platforms you're supposed to have time for, something caught my eye. It was an entrepreneur sharing his journey from homeless to millionaire and homeless again. Not only was the story captivating and full of vulnerability, but it was also very inspiring. It got me thinking a lot about my journey as an entrepreneur and business owner.