You're Doing Impression Pads Wrong: Explained

A concise article packed with actionable insights

Hand writing on magician's impression pad

A big-name mentalist performed at a party last week.

I know this as a friend of mine was in attendance.

The big-name mentalist actually used my friend for a trick.

They read their mind to reveal their first kiss’ name on stage.

I know all of this because my friend texted me.

They wanted to know why the mentalist needed them to write down the name of their first kiss before the show. “Was it carbon paper or something?” they asked.

Mentalists often use impression pads to gather information from spectators secretly. Impression pads range from cheap and reliable carbon paper pads to solid, middle-ground analogue options like Psypher to expensive and sometimes unreliable Bluetooth devices.

If you ask most performers why they’re using the pad, they’ll tell you they need it for the method.

This is the wrong answer.

Forget the method.

Why are you using the pad?

You need a real reason; the audience needs a real reason.

Don’t give your audience a reason and they’ll be texting their friend at 2 AM, asking why the big-name mentalist had them write the name of their first kiss before the show, leaving them wondering if there was carbon paper in the pad.

This post is for magicians only

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